Rank Magic

Best & Worst SEO Practices for a High Traffic Web Site

The best SEO practices will drive your sales up.We’ve found a comprehensive list of the best and worst SEO practices for turning your web site into a high traffic sales driver There are very specific discussions of them and they’re weighted in terms of importance. The best SEO practices, those most effective are scored +3. SEO techniques that make no difference either way are scored zero. And the worst SEO practices — those that will hurt, rather than help, your rankings and visibility — are rate -1 through -3.

These SEO tactics break down into six major areas.

If you’re doing your own SEO, this can be a valuable reference. We have a bit more in our archive of SEO practices.

[Update May, 2022: the article this links to is pretty old, and a few of the worst SEO practices it decries are fortunately used much less now or not at all. For example, having a home page designed in Flash is no longer a thing. Nevertheless, most of what’s described here is still valid today.]

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