Rank Magic

Good Writing Isn’t Good Enough

Copywriting is a big deal on the web.

The words on your web pages and blog posts are very powerful. They convince people to buy from you. And good writing convinces search engines that your material is worthy to display prominently in search results.

Bad writing compromises all of that “convincing”.

Bad writing is very un-convincing. In fact, bad writing is likely to convince people of the wrong things: that you’re not fully literate, that you don’t pay attention to detail, that you’re not very smart, or that you’re not very professional.

So good writing is critical: proper spelling and grammar, effective focus and purpose, good organization in your copy.

But good writing, while essential, isn’t sufficient. You need effective writing.

What’s the difference between good writing and effective writing?

Effective writing grabs the reader’s attention and holds it. Effective writing addresses the reader’s concerns and fears about doing business with you. Effective writing walks the reader right up to the point of sale.

Many of us can (often with a great deal of effort) churn out some good, coherent writing. But making that writing effective so it contributes to your bottom line is a skill of a whole different level. If you’re not sure you’re up to the challenge  — or if you’re quite certain you’re not up to the challenge  — you need a professional copywriter.

If that’s the case, you could do worse than starting with our list of strategic partners.

Need help with your visibility in search? Reach out for a free online SEO Audit.

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