Are you writing good headlines?
You need to grab them with the subject line. In an email newsletter, it’s the subject of the email. In a social media post it’s the headline you give the post or the first few words of the post. On a web page it’s the page title that will show up in search results. And in a blog post it’s also the page title, but that often duplicates the primary headline of the post.
The Value of Good Examples
One thing I’ve often found helpful, especially when a headline or subject line seems beyond my grasp, is to look at some examples.
Info Marketing Blog reprinted 100 great advertising headlines with a brief discussion of each. Review them and you’ll get a sense of what elements go into a real compelling, click bait subject line.
The Financial Brand has s helpful set of rules for creating a killer subject line, even though their focus is financial.
From an advertising perspective, Crazy Egg has a list of nine steps to follow to create a compelling subject line or headline.
And Position Digital has an excellent set of seven steps to a compelling SEO-appropriate headline.
If you don’t get enough inspiration from these sources, try searching in Google, Yahoo or Bing for headline ideas or how to write a headline. There are some great ideas to get you through that writer’s block.